Today was Aaris' Birthday. (the above picture is her birthday party on friday, before her grandpa Wallace went back to colorado). I got her a Nintendogs for her birthday which she was happy to get.. Unfortunately, although it would be great for a 7 year old kid, Aaris' speech difficulty which includes Rs and other letters makes it difficult and frustrating for her. She can't get past the naming. While my nintendog took about 20 saying's of the name for the dog to learn it hers took about 50+ and doesn't keep, requiring her to redo it over and over. I would not suggest this game for anyone under 10 (especially if any speech impediment is present.)
Otherwise she had a great birthday. One benefit of being the only kid in a house of adults is lots of presents...Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
My playlist
Pawel's birthday
when I sent this post from my phone I posted "We had cake and Pawel is now a citizen." Well that sounded like the cake made him a citizen or something, (which is of course not the case). Well congrats to Pawel. Only Aaris' and Sammy's Birthday parties to go. Pawel's today (Thursday) Aaris' Friday and Sammy's Saturday. Sheri is getting a bounce house and shaved ice for the party. It will be like a circus around here for the next few days.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Steven returns home
My cousin Steve returned home today. Everyone met him at the airport. He served a mission for 2 years in the Chicago, Illinois mission. It seems that young men who leave on a mission from this house are cursed to go on a state-side mission. Well, like Ben Karoly says, the best place to serve a mission is wherever the Lord sends you.
Well this family never has trouble finding excuses to have a family BBQ. So after arriving home, about 5 times the ten or so who showed up at the airport joined us for swimming and food.Thursday, August 18, 2005
A day at the fair
Today our family went to the California State Fair. We saw the animals and exhibits. The show today was Carrot Top (who was actually quite funny). Aaris, of course, wanted to ride the carnival rides. They were around $3-4 each so we let her pick one. Keith went with here on the fairis wheel. Uncle Walace (Aaris' Grandpa) won (at great cost for foam pellet stuffed animals) 3 stuffed animals and a couple goldfish.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Washington City here we come...
I thought that with a pump for coleman air furnature why not a chair. They are only around $20 each. But if I was willing to pay $60 for chairs I would go with This bowl style chair. |
Monday, August 08, 2005
My first parking ticket
Stupid downtown and their crazy wacky rules.. I was doing deleveries in my own van for work. The city hall offices has parking out front that I always use.. Well it turns out that if you park there after 4 you get a ticket.. Passenger loading and unloading only... They should have signs more promenent then at the end of the road.. (blocked by trees I might add. Well thats enough of a rant. Its not like I haven't had my share of infractions with the traffic code. Last year i stoped on a stopsign about 5 feet too late, turned and saw a cop waiting, stared at him for like 20 seconds and ended up at traffic school... At least I didn't get a DUI as I was wasted on nyquil. (I guess he took my word I was sick.) My first anything was a warning on the day of my Grad Nite in high school... I did a U-Turn from the meridian lane, (thought no-one was watching) Anyway.. School is fast aproaching.. I hope i can figure out what I want to do with my degree now its only a year or two away.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Mark and Nedla
Something you rarely get when going to a wedding. Dress=Casual.. Like a present to the guests the wedding and following reception was as casual as a BBQ. This is not to say it wasn’t a nice wedding. The chairs, tables and dress were nice and white. Very Beautiful centerpieces matching the bouquet (I may be biased as my mom made them). And a great dinner with plenty of ice-cold bottled water. All in all, I think that comfortable guests made it even better. After we met a lot of Nedla's Family and there was plenty of fun. Aaris loved the tire-swing, and also the shaved ice. Keith and Scott left early, taking Emily’s car to visit Tim, Scott’s friend who lives in the foothills on the way home. They didn’t show up at home till 3-4 hours later. It was nice to go into the foothills because of the heat.. If it is as hot tomorrow I am for sure getting an air conditioner. Whether a window or portable has yet to be seen. (Although a window one is less than a hundred while a portable is $300 I have slider windows)