Monday, August 08, 2005

My first parking ticket

Stupid downtown and their crazy wacky rules.. I was doing deleveries in my own van for work. The city hall offices has parking out front that I always use.. Well it turns out that if you park there after 4 you get a ticket.. Passenger loading and unloading only... They should have signs more promenent then at the end of the road.. (blocked by trees I might add. Well thats enough of a rant. Its not like I haven't had my share of infractions with the traffic code. Last year i stoped on a stopsign about 5 feet too late, turned and saw a cop waiting, stared at him for like 20 seconds and ended up at traffic school... At least I didn't get a DUI as I was wasted on nyquil. (I guess he took my word I was sick.) My first anything was a warning on the day of my Grad Nite in high school... I did a U-Turn from the meridian lane, (thought no-one was watching) Anyway.. School is fast aproaching.. I hope i can figure out what I want to do with my degree now its only a year or two away.

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