Monday, January 30, 2006
tech pressure
Well schools started and I am stressed enough, and now is when my boss wan'ts me to launch a computer Service Promotion. I can understand how he is needing to have security in the business for his family and all, but I don't know who he think will go on service calls repairing computers. To be successfull we will need to do all the calls that come in and a few a day would be all i could handle...
Anyway I am researching it and finding good articals on the web. Here is a good guide to see if you should be a tech.
Criteria for being a tech
You need to be able to agree with a lot of these questions:
— I almost always solve my own computer problems on my own, or as the result of my own research.
— I talk with colleagues all the time so we can share ideas, about tech and non-tech matters alike.
— My friends, coworkers and family often turn to me for help with their computers and peripherals.
— My own computer probably would work very well if I didn't keep installing alpha, beta, development and trial software on it all the time.
— I've totally hosed my own computer a number of times because I just wanted to see what would happen when I...
— I have been known to spend hours on solving a problem, non-tech and tech alike, without growing bored.
— My home is littered with electronic gadgets and computer-related devices.
— I spend as much or more time on the Internet than I do watching television, and very little of that time is spent on chat.
— I can usually quickly find what I'm looking for on the Internet.
— I read constantly, and just about everything.
— I rarely have a problem explaining myself.
— I am somewhat sociable, but I can work for long periods on my own, too.
— I'm friendly but not garrulous.
— Although I hate the term "self-starter," that's what I am.
— I believe all computer peripherals and devices are hot-swappable unless someone else is around.
— I have never impersonated someone of the opposite sex in an AOL forum.
— I only keep my AOL account so I can more easily get my email from any web browser anywhere.
— I get a lot of spam, but I block or filter most of it, so it's not an issue for me anymore.
— I never read the manuals when setting up new electronic toys, but only later, when I'm sitting around bored with the toy, just to amuse myself.
— Unix is like a lover to me: I don't understand it very well, and it makes me angry sometimes, but I am still in love with it.
— I have some computer books on the shelf, but I only use them as references, not as literature.
— I see nothing wrong with strapping a wireless PDA with GPS to the dog so that we can log his roaming patterns through the neighborhood.
Starting / promoting your business as a tech
Friday, January 13, 2006
GoDaddy Attacks Torrent Sites
GoDaddy (domain registrar) started to ban Bittorrent sites. The first site they banned is Mybitorrent. The next step could be mininova, isohunt or torrentspy. These three belong to the biggest (torrent) site on the web and are all registered with GoDaddy.
I just switched from godaddy for hosting to These Guys (BlueHost) I found out about them from my WOW guild ( and they rock. Its like 6 domains for less than ten bucks or something (i cant remember cause i paid for 2 years at once). They have too like 250GB transfer and 10GB space.. more than i could use.. and 2500 POP EMAIL, the best web host company i know of.
I used to be a godaddy only guy (back when they weren't big and network solutions lost the monopoly). I still use them for registration, but i stoped hosting a few months ago. (although the new free hosting with purchase stuff on Diggnation they were talking about has got me interested again.. )
Oh, and the other deal i found recently is this 20 free prints which after shipping costs $2.06, not free but cheaper than sam's club or elsewhere (like 10 cents rather than 14) and you don't have to wait an hour. Just select them and in a few days they are at your door. If you like me you wouldn't be able to find the time to burn a disk and head out to sam's club to do it in that amount of time and this is no effort.
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read more | digg story
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sony PS3 and Nintendo Revolution to Ship in 2007?
I think this is a very possible situation. Believe it or not, those of us who look for release date rumors are a minority. The majority will likely remain unaware of such maters until advertisements & promotions begin. And they can count on us to not give up on a system no matter how long before release.
Waiting well over a year (maybe 2) can give Sony & Nintendo a great advantage over following the xBox by just 6 months. The first year of the Xbox360 will have a lot of current gen games. Imagine for the next 12 months, a visible percentage of games released on the Xbox360 and also on Playstation 2. While gamecube releases high profile games like "The Twilight Princess" and a few multi-platform games.
By the time 2007 roles around, parents and kids are thinking of the Xbox360 as not a new generation gaming system but a current system. And a concurrent release of both Sony and Nintendo systems would propagate that view. (And they have both stated that they don't believe they are competing for the same audience, so they wouldn't mind a concurrent release.)
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read more | digg story
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The holiday's end
The new year is looking up...
1. Didn't have work monday,
2. Downloaded Dr Who (New Episode) !!!
3. New Arrested Development (not the best episode, but its new)
4. Scrubs is back on TV. (Pushed back to now to focus on 'The Office')
5. Got to a point in 'Mario & Luigi, Partner's in time' requiring a check of
6. Movies:
New World (if it lives up to the hype)
Nanny McPhee (likewise)
Underworld 2 (maybe)
Big Mamma's House 2 (Nooooo! kill me now!)
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