Monday, January 30, 2006

tech pressure

Well schools started and I am stressed enough, and now is when my boss wan'ts me to launch a computer Service Promotion. I can understand how he is needing to have security in the business for his family and all, but I don't know who he think will go on service calls repairing computers. To be successfull we will need to do all the calls that come in and a few a day would be all i could handle... Anyway I am researching it and finding good articals on the web. Here is a good guide to see if you should be a tech. Criteria for being a tech You need to be able to agree with a lot of these questions: — I almost always solve my own computer problems on my own, or as the result of my own research. — I talk with colleagues all the time so we can share ideas, about tech and non-tech matters alike. — My friends, coworkers and family often turn to me for help with their computers and peripherals. — My own computer probably would work very well if I didn't keep installing alpha, beta, development and trial software on it all the time. — I've totally hosed my own computer a number of times because I just wanted to see what would happen when I... — I have been known to spend hours on solving a problem, non-tech and tech alike, without growing bored. — My home is littered with electronic gadgets and computer-related devices. — I spend as much or more time on the Internet than I do watching television, and very little of that time is spent on chat. — I can usually quickly find what I'm looking for on the Internet. — I read constantly, and just about everything. — I rarely have a problem explaining myself. — I am somewhat sociable, but I can work for long periods on my own, too. — I'm friendly but not garrulous. — Although I hate the term "self-starter," that's what I am. — I believe all computer peripherals and devices are hot-swappable unless someone else is around. — I have never impersonated someone of the opposite sex in an AOL forum. — I only keep my AOL account so I can more easily get my email from any web browser anywhere. — I get a lot of spam, but I block or filter most of it, so it's not an issue for me anymore. — I never read the manuals when setting up new electronic toys, but only later, when I'm sitting around bored with the toy, just to amuse myself. — Unix is like a lover to me: I don't understand it very well, and it makes me angry sometimes, but I am still in love with it. — I have some computer books on the shelf, but I only use them as references, not as literature. — I see nothing wrong with strapping a wireless PDA with GPS to the dog so that we can log his roaming patterns through the neighborhood. Starting / promoting your business as a tech

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