Well shortly after a trip to Disneyland, (the next morning) I turned on my laptop to find it busted. What could I do but blame
Those Stupid A$$es TSA. Well its been almost two weeks, and losing my iPod at the same time i've been in true Apple withdraw..
Now I'm back on a Windows PC. Although I'm a fan of windows from a tech point of view, working on it has been a painfull experience. I forgot what it's like to have a PC that will throw up errors, or freeze for a moment, etc.. I had to really work my Powerbook to get any kind of resistance.
It's funny, I was telling my new friend Rocky in Long Beach about how I got an Apple because i don't want to come home to a buggy computer after working on computers all day, and it does this.
Well enough gushing about my laptop. I haven't posted for a while and though i should get a couple thoughts out before they leak out my ears.
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