Sunday, July 24, 2005

Aaris' new baby

I have a baby named Cindy Annalisa Howton who is now officaly my cabbage patch kid forever. her website is "I promise to love my Cabbage Patch Kid with all my heart. I promise to be a good and kind parent. I will always remember how special my cabbage Patch Kid is to me!" - Aaris (6)

Just a note.. Aaris is my cousin but more like a sister.. Isn't she sweet?

Friday, July 22, 2005

My first moblog

Monday we went to the Whitings for some cake and ice cream in celebration of Jeremy's b-day. We are not great gift givers. We ended up picking an audible membership. I hope he likes Audio Books as much as I do.

This is my first mobile blog. Maybe I will update this more often now that I can at any time. (Although typing on a phone is a pain.)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

WOW Guild.

Just a quick note. This week I decided to make a website for my WOW guild "The Dungeon Masters." I hope to finnish it by the end of the week. {update} The site is done and can be found at WWW.THEDUNGEONMASTERS.COM and Mirlu our guild leader is doing a great job!