Now, I just listened to two podcasts about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
One (cinecast) thought Burton was trying to please his creepy story loving fans and his fun loving fans at the same time. They missed the point on two parts. First Burton wasn't trying to please fans but picked a story that was creepy. Second there are no two fan bases for tim burton. Even his "serious/dark" movies are nice and light, Sleepy Hollow for example. Also his "fun" movies are creepy if you get them. Pee Wee's Big Adventure for example.
The other (Family Review) thought that this was a remake of the previous film, when actually it was an adaption of Dahl's book. "Why add all the 'Charlie' story?" They ask. Why didn't it end with the factory tour.. why all the story? Well Tim Burton is big on story and did a great job putting the book on screen. Although it is a personal preference wether you like a big screen adaptation. I know the Michael Chriton book Sphere was a favorite book, and the movie was almost exactly like the book but I didn't like it. And the Lord of the Rings movies were mostly like the book and I loved them.
Anyway Here is one of the song/poems from the book... You can download the song from the movie
Here and follow along with the red and green words. (green are words added/changed for clarity due to not being able to have the entire song.)
"Augustus Gloop..."
(from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
"Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!
The great big greedy nincompoop!
How long could we allow this beast
To gorge and guzzle, feed and feast
On everything he wanted to?
Great Scott! It simply wouldn't do!
However long this pig might live,
We're positive he'd never give
Even the smallest bit of fun
Or happiness to anyone.
So what we do in cases such
As this, we use the gentle touch,
And carefully we take the brat
And turn him into something that
Will give great pleasure to us all–
A doll, for instance, or a ball,
Or marbles or a rocking horse.
But this revolting boy, of course,
Was so unutterably
[Augustus Gloop so big and] vile,
So greedy, foul, and infantile
He left a most disgusting taste
Inside our mouths, and so in haste
We chose a thing that, come what may,
Would take the nasty taste away.
'Come on!' we cried, 'The time is ripe
To send him shooting up the pipe!
He has to go! It has to be!'
And very soon, he's going to see
Inside the room to which he's gone
Some funny things are going on.
But don't, dear children, be alarmed;
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed, [repeat]
Although, of course, we must admit
He will be altered quite a bit.
He'll be quite changed from what he's been,
When he goes through the fudge machine:
Slowly, the wheels go round and round,
The cogs begin to grind and pound;
A hundred knives go slice, slice, slice;
We add some sugar, cream, and spice;
We boil him for a minute more,
Until we're absolutely sure
That all the greed and all the gall
Is boiled away for once and all.
Then out he comes! And now!
[but not] By grace!
A miracle has taken place![repeat]
This boy, who only just before
Was loathed by men from shore to shore,
This greedy brute, this louse's ear,
Is loved by people everywhere!
For who could hate or bear a grudge
Against a luscious bit of fudge?"
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