You would think a trip to disneyland would be a thing to look forward to. Well in some ways it always is but this trip was almost more work then fun. It started with a $966 charge on my credit card the day before leaving. Three of the 4 rooms reserved back in may were never canceled, and they charge the first night for uncanceled rooms (rack rate).
The hotel we did end up with was cheeper per night but the clerk, without asking, waited for 3 rooms together for us 3 groups staying there (each of which had a retarded and/or handicapped person). Well that took forever, then when we asked what was taking so long they said that we could have the rooms if we didn't mind they hadn't cleaned the carpet. Well why not wait another twenty min. per room after waiting hours already. 40 min. later nothing. We went and asked about the holdup. Only two of the rooms were done, what an idiot.. why not let us have the rooms that were ready.
Aunt Judi, who has heart trouble, had some experiences to recall. It actually started with Indiana Jones. Lets just say that she puts the screams of the people on rollercosters to shame. And was in some sort of shock after getting off the tower.
(and I didn't sugest she go. Unfortunately I also didn't object. After all, there was a 70 year old going on with us. But I'm sure to Aunt Judi it was the same thing.) From then on I made sure to exagerate the twists and turns on every ride. (And as it turns out even though the 70 year old afterwords agreed with me that it was a mistake, she [the seventy year old] must have not thought it overwelming as she went again later that day.
And Aunt Judi, who stayed an extra 2 days showed up to turn in the rental car and the computers were down. After getting to the checkin at the airport they informed here the ticket was purchased for a wrong date and would cost 62 to upgrade.
Well it was still fun to ride space mountain and all the fun rides. I didn't get to see the new "Talk with crush" but oh well. And long story short I got the charges from the disneyland hotel reversed and payed the extra 62 bucks so Aunt Judi didn't have to sleep in the airport. (dont tell her).
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