I got Mario Kart DS today. It has been out for one day. Why so long to get it? Well every retailer in Sacramento were not getting their games till today as tuesday is the usual day for game releases. Also Nintendo rarely gets things out on time. The micro was not seen in most stores for about 2 weeks. As long as they are on time with the revolution I will be happy. I expect to be playing the revolution on the release day, (Mario 128 would be nice.) Anyhoo here is my friend code to add me to you're game if you want. (you should add as many codes as you can find so there will be 3 other players when you want to play.) 382311564144
Some Random Stuff
My new favorite Quote: After a shaky, underpowered start, this machine [mac] matured into a well-integrated system which was not only very powerful, but a real pleasure to use... However, the Macintosh is not the last word in interface design, and if Microsoft had been the innovative company it calls itself, it would have taken the opportunity to take a radical leap beyond the Mac, instead of producing a feeble, me-too imitation.
- Douglas Adams 1995.
I got a 53 words per min. at
typingtest.com With a 98% accuracy (I put a period instead of a comma) Give it a try!
1-800-Free411, strategic advertising pays for this free service, brilliant!
I think a 63.5% is my lowest test grade ever. But I guess the entire class did horrible because after the curve it came to 79%. Im hoping to make it 82% because one question I marked C (which is correct). Unfortunately it was keyed "Both A&B are correct" as C was A before the test was randomized
Get it while it's hot.. Only 2.99 a year (thats where I got this domain) at
Reason #214 Why I enjoy the disneyland resort: They reversed my 966$ charge for forgetting to cancel 3 room reservations. Mom and Aunt Judi say they know I canceled, but if any 2 people have memories as bad as mine it would be them. :)
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