Thursday, December 22, 2005
Sam's Club Photos
Circuit City
I was impressed by the offer to have a order ready in 24 min. of the item being ordered. I happen to have a very busy schedule and looked at the website for a Nintendo DS and Mario Kart bundle. I made the purchase and went to the store on my way to work. I live about 20 Min from the store in Citrus heights CA. I only had time for a ten min detour. I noticed they had a 24 min. Sign hanging in-front of the web order checkout. I went up to the clerk and presented my Credit Card and ID. He went in the back for about 5 min. I asked the other Clerk jokingly how can anyone know that their order is ready and not being gathered when they come in? He replied that that is how it worked, you get it within 24 min. of coming to the counter. 'Otherwise' he said 'you might make the order at home and come 24 min later and demand the reward.' I should have got his name, but he had a white shirt instead of red. Apparently that is how the Citrus heights store runs it. A few min. Later I got my item as he found it and he scanned it in to the computer and printed a ticket. I left angry at myself that I didn't read the fine print. On a whim I called the Arden store and asked how the promotion worked. If I came in a half an hour after ordering would it be waiting for me? They said that if I come in after 24 min. and it isn't waiting for me on the rollers, behind the counter, etc. then they would give me a gift card. I asked what stops me from coming in at 24 min. and demanding my card for the few min. it takes to get the item. They said that the rules cover the fact that waiting in line does not count. Please check Order 4427-2378469 if it was scanned in at 24 min. I don't think it was but I may be wrong as I live only 20 min. away from the store and they could have found it and scanned it in the back in that 4 min. I would like to know the time because they did not give me any receipt with a time-stamp on it. Least of all I feel that Circuit City has deceived me or at the least mislead me if the 24 min. Actually starts from the time you enter the store. Thank you Jeff HoldawayThe response came today, it was {SURPRISE} a form letter.
Dear Jeff Holdaway: Thank you for writing to I understand your concern regarding our 24/24 In-Store Pick-Up Guarantee. I apologize for any inconvenience caused while seeking assistance at our store. The following exclusions are posted on the website and in the store: 24 Minute Pickup Guarantee applies from timestamp on order confirmation email until the time order is ready for customer pickup. Guarantee excludes customer wait time in store lines. Offer valid on orders placed at or by phone during pickup store's normal operating hours up to 30 minutes prior to closing. Guarantee not valid the day after Thanksgiving, 12/26 or 12/27. $25 minimum purchase. One $24 gift card offered per qualifying in-store pickup ticket, which must be claimed at time of pickup and is good for future purchases. We hope this information is helpful. For further questions, please feel free to contact your local store. You can find the store nearest you by using this link: Thanks again for writing to Sincerely, Virendra K. Customer Support Coordinator Contact ID Number: xxxxxxI responded with this.
Thank you for the form letter. Surprisingly it DID help me; to decide that I was LIED to by the store manager and have no reason to believe that if I "contact [my] local store", as you suggest, that I will not be met with the same response. Please find out when the order 4427-2378469 (ticket number 442702378469) was scanned into whatever it is to tell the time it took to fill the order. Please let me know when it was as they were extra careful to only let me see the pickup ticket and not any papers that may have a time stamp. And to clear up any misconception i had not "Inconvenience.. seeking assistance at [your] store" as you put it. I WAS THE ONLY ONE THERE. The item was not ready and the only question is if it was ready within the 24 min. time period as they would only tell me the time it took them to find and pull the item and not the time it took from the order conformation. Thank you Jeffrey HoldawayToday they reinstalled my faith in the store. I may have rather been treated well and honestly but they did respond quickly and kindly today (on christmas?) good will towards men I guess.
Dear Jeffrey Holdaway: Thank you for writing to I understand your concern regarding the experience you had at our store. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced at our store. In light of your situation, I have requested that a $24 gift card be sent to your home. The gift card will arrive via United States Postal Service. We appreciate your patronage and hope to serve you again. Please quote the Call ID number or IM number provided at the end of this e-mail for any future correspondence. Thanks again for writing to Sincerely, Utkarsh T. Customer Support Coordinator Contact ID Number: xxxxx Call ID Number: xxxxxxxxxxxx IM Number: xxxxxxx
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Holliday season is upon me
I really need to have let someone else have the camera from time to time.. I'm never in the shot :P
Teen's blog confession forces him to plead guilty plea in fatal crash
The institute estimates 4 million teens between the ages of 12 and 17 write blogs, a term derived from the phrase Web log. About twice as many regularly read the online ramblings. Bloggers often use photos, graphics and music to convey mood and personality. The trend baffles the parents of the teens involved in the crash. "I think it's dumb," said Tina Nagy, Robinette's mother. "I don't want 3 million people in the world knowing what I do or what I think. But that's today's teenagers."It is a new phenomenon, being able to write a public version of the private diary. It still remains quite private as the article said, more blog then read blogs.. I think this type of diary blogging is different then a journalistic/political/news/informative blogs that are read by thousands. I know i used it myself to look back over this year for our family christmas newsletter.. I had forgotten much of what happened this year.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Google Zeitgeist '05
it was also interesting to see how terms I live with every day, like ipod and podcast are only recently becoming publicly known.
Although Star Wars fans will argue that the dark side is part of the force it is a cute chart :P I would like to see more in the movie section next year.
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Screenshots of Windows Vista 5259
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Do-able Nano Case
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Bill Nye the NUMB3RS guy. Nye explodes tomorrow on CBS.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Remembers criminals can hack closed wireless
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Friday, December 02, 2005
Kingdom Hearts II
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Christmas list time
Second would be the games I am hoping for. Mario & Luigi: Partners in time and also Animal Crossing. Both are from NINTENDO and are for the Nintendo DS system. (I just hope I can pry the system from Aaris's hands to play the game.) If I had to choose I might say I need Mario more than Animal Crossing as I have followed the Mario RPG Series since the beginning with Square.
3) World of Warcraft 60 Day Pre-Paid
4) iTunes Music Store Gift Card
5) CD / DVD Sleeves, 100 Pack, White (6.99 at 2.99 (for 50) at fry's electronics)
6) Voice Recognition software $40
ViaVoice Simply Dictation For OS X
7) 1GB SD Card $42.99-69
FRY's Special from time to time can be as low as 42.99
8) USB iMic $29-39 or Headset $34 (MAC OSX)
Griffin iMic USB Audio Interface : 9066-IMIC2
Premium USB Headset 350
9) Chronicles of narnia Soundtrack
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Mario Kart DS
Some Random Stuff
My new favorite Quote: After a shaky, underpowered start, this machine [mac] matured into a well-integrated system which was not only very powerful, but a real pleasure to use... However, the Macintosh is not the last word in interface design, and if Microsoft had been the innovative company it calls itself, it would have taken the opportunity to take a radical leap beyond the Mac, instead of producing a feeble, me-too imitation. - Douglas Adams 1995. I got a 53 words per min. at With a 98% accuracy (I put a period instead of a comma) Give it a try! Use 1-800-Free411, strategic advertising pays for this free service, brilliant! I think a 63.5% is my lowest test grade ever. But I guess the entire class did horrible because after the curve it came to 79%. Im hoping to make it 82% because one question I marked C (which is correct). Unfortunately it was keyed "Both A&B are correct" as C was A before the test was randomized Get it while it's hot.. Only 2.99 a year (thats where I got this domain) at Reason #214 Why I enjoy the disneyland resort: They reversed my 966$ charge for forgetting to cancel 3 room reservations. Mom and Aunt Judi say they know I canceled, but if any 2 people have memories as bad as mine it would be them. :)Thursday, October 27, 2005
What a week.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Phishers have changed bait
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Augustus Gloop..
"Augustus Gloop..."
(from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) "Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop! The great big greedy nincompoop! How long could we allow this beast To gorge and guzzle, feed and feast On everything he wanted to? Great Scott! It simply wouldn't do! However long this pig might live, We're positive he'd never give Even the smallest bit of fun Or happiness to anyone. So what we do in cases such As this, we use the gentle touch, And carefully we take the brat And turn him into something that Will give great pleasure to us all– A doll, for instance, or a ball, Or marbles or a rocking horse. But this revolting boy, of course, Was so unutterably [Augustus Gloop so big and] vile, So greedy, foul, and infantile He left a most disgusting taste Inside our mouths, and so in haste We chose a thing that, come what may, Would take the nasty taste away. 'Come on!' we cried, 'The time is ripe To send him shooting up the pipe! He has to go! It has to be!' And very soon, he's going to see Inside the room to which he's gone Some funny things are going on. But don't, dear children, be alarmed; Augustus Gloop will not be harmed, [repeat] Although, of course, we must admit He will be altered quite a bit. He'll be quite changed from what he's been, When he goes through the fudge machine: Slowly, the wheels go round and round, The cogs begin to grind and pound; A hundred knives go slice, slice, slice; We add some sugar, cream, and spice; We boil him for a minute more, Until we're absolutely sure That all the greed and all the gall Is boiled away for once and all. Then out he comes! And now![but not] By grace! A miracle has taken place![repeat] This boy, who only just before Was loathed by men from shore to shore, This greedy brute, this louse's ear, Is loved by people everywhere! For who could hate or bear a grudge Against a luscious bit of fudge?"Monday, September 26, 2005
Movies, The good, the Bad and the ???
Other than Shrek, the non-pixar theaters have had trouble making a critically acclaimed all CGI movie. But as always I hope for the best with Disney. It would be nice if this and Toy Story 3 both came out as hits, enticing Pixar back. But as we all know, CGI failure at the Disney Studios will make Pixar smug. They will remain insistent on demands Disney can't grant. On the other hand if the Disney Studios do show they don't need Pixar, Disney may not want to renew their relationship.
Second are the sequels/remakes
The Mask of Zorro was not that great. I loved the movie but it wasn't that great, just campy. Sequels are hard to make especially when it was a perfectly done first movie. Such is King Kong. It may have been a wonderful idea of a movie in 1933 but watching that movie now is painful if your not a old movie buff. However if anyone can make it work it is Peter Jackson. Now all the sequels/remakes about to be released can make moviegoing suck. However if Batman Begins showed us anything it is a sequel can be fresh. And as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory proves, only a pre-prejudice to the original can ruin a genius redo.
The worst is going to be DOOM.
This movie was originally going to be a blockbuster budgeted movie from Warner. When Universal was able to grab the rights of this fast track property in 2004 it quickly laid out a schedule which even with a 2 month extension took only a year from start to screen. To put this into context choosing a script and director, filming, and post production can take a year and a half each. This movie took a year and a half from the grabbing of the DOOM property to the screen next month.** This isn't a list of the worst movies, but a list of movies I would like to look forward too that might not live up to my hopes.
Monday, September 19, 2005
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
books and movies
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Happy Birthday Mario
Saturday, September 10, 2005
AP HOLDER JUNE 4, 2005 - JUNE 3, 2006
This is my 3rd or 4th round with a Annual Passport. But this time as an AP holder I haven't returned. I'm thinking October.
Still playing. though not as often. But as the host for the guild website even when I don't play I stay in the game a little.
I am currently on my second iPod, used the first to death.. Also have a shuffle, want a Nano. This relates a bit to other interest: Audiobooks. Audible and ipod is great for audiobook lovers. I have 70 or so unabridged audiobooks. That many would have cost around 2-3 thousand dollars. I have probably spent only 200 bucks (20x10months) your first month you get 5 books and you have no obligation for more months. And ever month you resign up you can get 3 books. At 20 bucks a month its the best deal out there. (And ipods are the best for audio books, CD Quality with the the place saving convenience of cassettes.)
Well after loving my iPod (and being an apple fan-boy forever) I decided to make the "Switch" which sounds scary isn't that bad. My powerbook has changed my life so much. It is also not incompatible with life as Microsoft has led everyone to believe. Now in the past it may have been so. I have seen past mac operating systems and OS X blows everything else out of the water, even XP. (But i still keep my XP PRO desktop and end up using it often, especially as I can only create images on the dead program "Microsoft Image Composer". (I really need to learn my Adobe/Macromedia products.)
I say 1986 but I don't remember when I got my first Nintendo. I do know it was shortly after the NES came out. Currently Im a Nintendo DS player. The Nintendo Micro looks very attractive, but its hard for me to buy GBA (Game Boy Advance) games because my first gameboy advance (my first portable game system at all) was stolen with tens of games. For some reason its just frustrating to buy a game for the second time. (plus I need to save up for the revolution in 2006)
I've been fan of Tim Burton from the beginning.. One of the few that liked TNBC (The Nightmare Before Christmas) from the moment it came out in theaters. Not all of his movies are masterpieces but most are good enough to own. (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is going to be a pre-order) Incidentally I'm a Danny Elfman fan through Tim Burton's movies. Pee Wee's Big Adventure couldn't have been such a classic without the both of them. (P.S. here is to hoping that the corpse bride is another TNBC)
I seem to spend all my TV time on 4 channels. And all but USA has only one show I watch religiously. Although I do like Reno 911 on Comedy Central too. And I must admit that I press record whenever I see CSI: Whatever or Law & Order: Whatever on the schedule grid, with the hope of one I haven't seen. I wonder if you put all CSI and Law & Orders back to back if it would last over a year... (P.S. Although TiVO will always have a place in my heart I am loving my Dual Tuner on my Comcast DVR.)
I enjoy creating websites. I have one for my guild ( and one for my family (howtonfamily) my work one (PCFOCUS.NET) and a few others. Im not a good coder, got a C in Java/perl class. But I do pretty good HTML and can recreate almost anything on frontpage. Also im learning to customize PHP websites and forums.